Thursday 12 August 2010

What I'm doing...

While this may seem a little 'facbook status' or 'twitter', I have pinched this idea from Kim's blog Hiraeth and will shamelessly use it for my own post today! A neat way of summarising things at da ig bear's house...

Wondering - should Christians be on Facebook? I find useful, frustrating, irritating, narcissistic and entertaining in equal measure. Hmmmm...

Liking - my summer holidays, 6 weeks of freedom! Woop!

Disliking - my summer holiday being nearly halfway done! Boo!

Reading - A W Pink on Elijah, food for the soul. Many, many lessons to be learned from Elijah's story. Not least that "God does not grant fresh revelations until there has been a compliance with those already receieved..." Think Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah... all were required to adhere to a command before the next was issued.

WatchingZulu.. Classic line "Hitch... Hitch I've seen you... you're alive!"
In real life 11 Victoria Crosses were awarded that day in 1879. 150 Brits vs 4000 Zulus... Valley boys like a fight see. (Actually they were the 24th (2nd Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot, which later became the South Wales Borderers in 1881).

Thinking - I have too many books to read. I should stop buying them until I've finished the ones I have!!!

Drinking - coffee which makes me hyperactive. And root beer, I love root beer :)

Studying - admittedly gone off the boil here. Will restart Romans today I think.

Training - my back and hip are sore again :( my choker chain has kicked in again, forcing me to rest.

Thanking God - for our fellowship at Fole. A small, but gracious and blessed church with sound biblical teaching. True brothers and sisters in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. "Thinking - I have too many books to read. I should stop buying them until I've finished the ones I have!!!"


    I'm thinking what you're thinking!
