Saturday 21 August 2010

Romans 5 blogs

Having had a little feedback on my last 2 posts I'd like to ask a favour from anyone who reads this blog regularly - make a comment please... or email me.

I'll explain why.

I write these blogs primarily as a way of ordering my thoughts and sharing them with anyone who is willing to hear them. I find that they help me to take ideas that are whizzing around my head and by presenting them to others put them in a way that a) is theologically sound, b) glorifies God, c) helps me make sense of it all. In short it helps me distil my thoughts and share them.

Posts made from here on about Romans 5 are mine and mine alone. I didn't use any commentaries in the writing of the last 2 and will continue to write them 'solo'. That being them case any constructive comments or criticisms will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance... next up... "through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1 (again!)

It may be some time before I get to Romans 6! But then again with such a rich text to study, why rush?!

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