Thursday 12 August 2010

Romans 5: 1

Well I sat and watched Zulu. Then I had a short bible study and prayer time on the beatitudes (Matthew 5: 1 - 12). Then I remembered my earlier mention of reopening my studies on Romans. So having read the whole chapter I scrutinsed the first verse a little closer, and felt prompted to scrawl this. I apologise for any disjointed theology or spelling/grammar I haven't properly proof read it. I shall do so when my head has stopped spinning - it took me twice as long to type it up as it did to write it!!! I hope you benefit from it somehow...

 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5: 1

‘Therefore’ – this ‘therefore’ can be considered in context rather like the ‘But now’ at the start of Romans 3: 21. ‘As a consequence of’ or ‘resulting from’ an action not of our own, but of Christ’s. Romans 3: 21 is fundamental in our redemption as it explains to us in no uncertain terms how the new covenant is established. ‘It was like this... but now it is like this...’ (Though the Jews would have required faith too, a lone reliance on adherence to the law was still justification by works).

Romans 3: 10 - 18 outlines how we are all under sin and condemned by our nature, ‘there is none righteous, no, not one’. We must first recognise, through the Holy Spirit’s prompting, our true state and the uselessness of our reliance on works. We cannot, Paul says, justify ourselves by any means. Christ alone can satisfy for our sins and none other but He. (Romans 3: 1 - 20)

So through, or by God’s righteousness imparted to us through Jesus Christ’s atonement, we can be saved, made acceptable in His sight. ‘But now’ Christ has become our great high priest and intercessor.

Romans 3 describes how ‘by works of the law’ (3: 20) no man can be justified. And ‘(but) now’ His righteousness has been manifested apart from the law we can be clothed as righteous through faith and faith alone in Christ’s propitiation. Christ being 'put' (ESV) or 'set' (KJV) forth by God for His purposes. Therefore by faith alone we are justified. This not being an action of our own, but once again, it is an action of Him and Him alone. While we possess faith it is only a faith given to us by grace. Just as we are graciously afforded our redemption, justified with undeserved merit.

This ‘peace’ then with God (5:1) is ‘through our Lord Jesus Christ’, He is once again all sufficient. Not only is He now our high priest and intercessor, not only is He made propitiation for our iniquities, not only as a spotless lamb put forth by God for us! He is also our faith and our conduit for receiving God’s grace and peace. What a complete saviour! What a masterful work!

Every part of our salvation is by Him, just as “all things were created by Him and for Him” (Colossians 1: 16) so are we. In every part He has control and dominion, a truly sovereign Lord. Our conviction, rebirth, justification, sanctification, faith and ultimate glorification is His. We are unable to do any part of it ourselves – “for by works... no human being will be justified...” (Romans 3: 20 ESV), “by deeds... shall no flesh be justified in His sight.” (KJV).

‘Therefore’ we are left with so little required of us – simple obedience, prayer and praise. The work is complete! Rejoice and be glad Christian that your salvation depends solely on a gracious, loving, Sovereign Lord and not on your own sinful, fallible, disobedient self!

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