Sunday 4 April 2010

Don't follow me...

I'm in South Wales this week visiting the family and this morning travelled to my brother's church for the morning service. On the way there I overtook a car that had one of those yellow square signs stuck in the back window... you know, the ones that say 'Baby on board' or some sort of cheesey one liner. This one had this:

Now I had to chuckle at that... I wondered at the truth of that statement for the unconverted. I did wonder if there were any Christians who had a sign saying the opposite.
"I know where I'm going... follow me!"
Or maybe more appropriately it should read 'follow Him'.

I smiled again in the service when we sang 'The Servant king' and in particular this verse:

This is our God,
The Servant King,
He calls us now
To follow Him,
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King.
I'm not a huge fan of the song, but in light of my in-car ponderings it made me smirk slightly.
So, are you following Him?... or someone who is lost?

As an aside - it was one year ago today I was converted... and what a year!!! So here I am one year into an eternity of following Him!

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