Saturday 16 October 2010

Who is reading this?

I've recently discovered the 'statistics' section for my blog and have been more than a little surprised and pleased. It seems that my blogs are not just getting read by friends and family, or friends of my family... I've gone international!!!

(Countries in green have shown 'hits')
In the last month pages have been viewed by people in the UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Canada, USA, Nigeria and Pakistan. I have also seen in past weeks hits from Luxembourg, Australia, China, Chile and South Africa and others I can't remember off the top of my head.

I realise that some of these hits are 'accidental' following a search engine look for something else. But some at least will have stopped to read something of what I've written.

If you're a regular reader or just passing through I'd love to hear where you're from and any comments on my posts. I'd love to hear about your own walk with the Lord and would love to pray for you wherever you are!

Either post a comment here or email me -

God bless you and the whole Church worldwide!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Da'i G Bear!

    I'm here. I've been reading since the beginning. Most of the time I read in an RSS feed reader so I've been lax on leaving comments but I just wanted you to know I'm a regular reader!
