Wednesday 13 October 2010

Who have you told about Jesus?

For any of you reading my blog who don’t know I am still a baby as a Christian. I was baptised last year (nearly a year ago) at the age of 35, having been converted in the early part of 2009. So in many respects I am toddling around at 19 spiritual months old. Until this last few days I hadn’t really looked at Ezekiel... and in many respects still haven’t. I have read only a few chapters over the last couple of mornings as I have followed Peter Jeffrey’s study notes in 'Enjoying God Always'.

Anyway, I have thus far read only 4 selected chapters and they have given me so many things to consider. I’m in the habit of scrutinising books little by little when I can as you may have seen in my Romans blogs... but Ezekiel... Wow. Where do I start!?

So many things have crossed my mind reading Ezekiel about the nature of God’s judgement, the attributes of God, the UK and World Church today and its growing apostasy, Idolatry, the sheer power of the Lord, but mostly the liberties the church takes with an Almighty, omnipotent God!

I’ll try and summarise my thoughts or else I’ll end up doing what I’ve done with Romans.

I started in Ezekiel 9 and the vision of God’s Holy judgement and the idolaters killed. Those without the mark on their foreheads, put there by the ‘man clothed in linen’ (Jesus) were killed – men, women and children. The men with 'weapons for slaughter' told to do the killing were instructed to ‘not spare’ and to ‘show no pity’. But also not to touch those with the mark on their forehead (the redeemed).

Peter Jeffrey’s comment was that many people may read this and say ‘how cruel!’ but should rather read it and say ‘how righteous!’. Thinking otherwise makes God indifferent to sin. He also continues to mention that maybe people may feel the God of hellfire and judgement is old fashioned and that now God is more ‘modern’ and that this Old Testament message belongs in the past. But this cannot be. God is immutable, unchanging and faithful to His word. The same God that judged Egypt in Exodus, the same God who the prophets spoke of, the same God who sent His Son to die that we might live. That same God will one day judge YOU. And me. And everyone, ever. His wrath will be poured out on sin and those without Jesus will be condemned and separated from Him. And He is utterly just and Holy in doing this.

Now what really struck me about this was not so much the judgement of God or even His immutability, but this:

That person who sat next to you on the bus today, your best mate at work, a relative or close friend, your next door neighbours... if they don’t have Jesus they will die. They will be dead to God in their sin and forever condemned. I don’t want that for any of my unconverted friends or family... I don’t want it for the guy who swore at me the other week or even the boy who bullied me at school.

I’m sure you don’t either... but ask yourself this.

What did you actually do about it today?

Not in general over time, not last week or next week, not at some unspecified time somewhere somehow.


Because they could’ve been killed driving home never knowing Jesus.

Sobering thought eh? I hope I’m brave enough to tell someone tomorrow about Jesus.

They must know, their life depends on it.

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