Monday 14 June 2010

Monday... :(

I had that feeling this morning... and it proved right. A horrendously testing day at work, but now I'm home in my cwtch, tea on the go, belly rumbling and I have a stack of books to read.

I just can't decide which. Will it be Tozer, Buyan or Pink? Or will I plump for a biography? 'The Cross and the Switchblade'? Maybe 'Grace, Grit and Gumption'? Or perhaps even a trawl through the extensive notes in my ESV study bible. Alternitively if I'm feeling brave I might try 'Basic Greek and exegesis' or 'elements of New Testament Greek'. I've barely scratched the surface of my Systematic Theology.

We are blessed are we not? To have such an array of literature available? There are many things to worry us in the UK today... but we still have a favourable position over many of our brothers and sisters around the world.

The Chinese who would give their right arm for just a page of scripture. Those in Communist or Islamic countries who worship in constant, mortal peril. Those slaughtered for their Christian beliefs in Nigeria. What life must be life for a bible believing Christian in a country like North Korea I cannot imagine.

I think before I choose my reading material from my growing library I'll say a prayer for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are not so spoiled for choice and then also thank the Lord that I am so very, very blessed.

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