Sunday 20 June 2010

The 10 plagues

My last blog was partly inspired by the series of sermons James R Hamilton has been delivering at Fole Chapel, Staffordshire. I would highly recommend the whole series, which can be found on Sermonaudio.

For me though, the sermons he delivered on the 10 plagues were particularly excellent. Not only was it good, expository preaching, but many relevant comparisons were made throughout to the present state of the UK and the 'Egypt' in which we live.

I have linked each of the sermons and titles below to save you the bother of locating them. The given verses are linked to the Authorised version on Biblegateway.

Exodus 7:1 - 7 - Sovereign God or sovereign Pharoah

Exodus 7: 8 - 13 - The prologue to the plagues

Exodus 7: 14 -25 - The first stroke

Exodus 8: 1 - 15 - The day of the frogs

Exodus 8: 16 - 19 - What price all these lice?

There is an introduction and the first 3 plagues for you, I shall post the others soon.

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