Monday 17 January 2011

Be careful what you pray for...

An off the cuff thought here... from last week.

I was reading Genesis 18: 20 and following through chapter 19 - Lot being brought out of Sodom before its destruction and Abraham's intercession for the Godly men therein. Abraham 'talked' God out of destroying every single person... I choose my words carefully here as I'm not trying to pass any sort of comment on being able to influence a Sovereign creator God with emotional pressure.

My point is this - Abraham interceded for the righteous men of Sodom and his prayer was answered, Lot and his extended family were saved as was the outlying city of Zoar.

Abraham's heartfelt prayer for his fellow men of God and his family was heard and answered.

As I read this I considered Israel's demands for Samuel to intercede and insist that God installed a King (1 Samuel 8). Against God's will. Consequently God gave Israel over to their desires in a King... subsequently apostasy, pain, tyranny and all round unpleasantness followed from King after king, with the odd good sort here and there.

The Lord's message was that 'you reject my messenger, you reject me'.

Now I realise that 1 Samuel 8 isn't necessarily about prayer, but it did make me think that the motivation of your heart is oh so very important and is also so easily forgotten.

Abraham interceded in prayer out of Godly love and concern for his brethren. Israel made a petulant, selfish demand.

What was the state of your heart when you prayed today?

What motivated the prayer?

How will it be answered?... Like Abraham's? Or like Israel's?

Like I say, we should be careful what we pray for.

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