Sunday 5 December 2010

Jesus is trust in us.

I did a new bible study/sermon last week and the following was part of it - I cut it out completely though as it didn't fit the text in question at all. I've posted it here instead as a 'blog' as I've neglected entering anything for quite a while now. So see what you make of it... as ever all comments are welcomed!

"We often ask people ‘don’t you trust me?’ or if we don't ask it we certainly resent the thought that someone isn't trusting in us. I've done it and I'm sure you have too.
We feel so hurt when we detect any faltering or wavering in their faith in us. But we’re self confessed sinners! We’re riddled with sin and lies and ‘no good thing’. We don’t deserve to be trusted! If we got what we deserved no one would ever believe a word that fell from our lips. The blackness of our state cannot afford us any trust. But, as children of God we can trust him. As a sinless righteous Saviour, Jesus IS trust, He IS faith.
When we have Christ we have him in us, in our hearts and He is what is trustworthy in us.
Galatians 2: 20 tell us “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
If we wait on him, if we trust in Him and if the life we live in the flesh is by faith in the Son of God there is a growing trustworthy element that is not of us, but in us.
We’re still sinners, still black and putrid, but the light of life that should shine from us – people should see that in us shouldn’t they? They should be able to detect it glowing within every Christian heart.
Some people may despise it, others may be drawn to it, but that light is utterly trustworthy.
So as we wait on the Lord and we consider his steadfastness, his faithfulness and immutability we can do so in confidence and fully assured faith of never being failed. We should remember that Christ liveth in us and that he has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us."
I have yet to figure out how to upload or attach audio files here so instead of adding audio of the 2 studies/sermons I did on 1 Kings 17 I'll edit and summarise the notes into essay form and post them here shortly.

In the meantime I'm working on a couple of studies on Psalm 40: 1 -3, then later hopefully the whole Psalm.

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