Saturday 10 July 2010

Chronicles of Wap

My brother-in-law has started a blog, prompted it seems by my brother's and mine. You can read it here.

'The Wap' is something of a confrontational character and enjoys a good debate... as I do... as does my brother. This is clearly all done in a good, fair minded and Christian manner... some of the time.

It must be quite interesting at times to watch and listen to us. Wise old bro listens and the makes significant and non judgemental comments, I attack and apply irritating cold logic (if that's what it says, that's what it means!), the Wap defends his corner no matter what. Even if behind his eyes he sometimes concedes a point, he never lets on.

I'm digressing slightly cos the point I was going to make about these 'debates' is that they wind my sister up something rotten. Quote: (when sitting down to lunch last weekend) "If you're going to carry on talking about that (election) I'm going in the other room!" Both the Wap and I glanced at each other, grinned and carried on talking... but only to wind up my sister. In truth no more was mentioned about Ephesians, predestination or limited atonement... sorry I mean particular redemption.

Healthy theological and doctrinal debate, even argument is helpful. It affirms and strengthens your own understanding of biblical 'grey' areas in a way reading alone cannot. However, there is most definitely a time and a place, often the topic of debate can dictate this. Listening to the immovable object argue with the irresistible force over an issue that has separated the church for so long is not really great for the digestion. My sister has my sympathy.

I read my brother's blog and my brother in laws, but have not necessarily agreed with everything they have written. As, I am sure they would say about mine. Differences of opinion are inevitable.

I am the sort of person that likes to pound people with my point (see Mother, I do know I do it!), until they submit, pass out, cry or run away. Doing this with a theological/doctrinal opinion is utterly wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Telling your brother the truth is right. Telling him in such a way that he can fully appreciate why you're saying what you are is right. Picking your opinion up and clubbing your brother around the head with it until he is semi conscious is not right.

Discretion, respect and Christian brotherly love are right. As is knowing when one should agree to disagree.

So let's raise a glass to healthy debate... as long as it's non alcoholic... should Christians drink?... Why shouldn't they?... here we go again!

I was right though :)

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