Monday 10 May 2010

By Grace ye are saved

I have been reading the first few chapters of Herman Hoeksema's 'Wonder of Grace' and after 3 short chapters I would recommend it wholeheartedly. As you'd expect from the title Mr Hoeksema discusses all things regarding Sovereign Grace.

Thus far I have read the chapters on 'Salvation by Grace', 'Chosen by Grace' and 'Reconciled by Grace'. The second chapter 'Chosen by Grace' is essentially about election.

Now I'm aware that this topic (election) is one which causes a great deal of unease, debate and even division in the Church and I have no wish with my limited understanding of things scriptural to inflame anyone's ire over it.

However... Mr Hoeksema clearly falls into the electionist camp and I was taken by the following paragraph as it takes a slant on things I'd not encountered before. The 'truth' being the doctrine of election:

"It dare not be objected to this doctrine that this truth offers no comfort to poor sinners: for nothing could be farther from the truth. True, this doctrine has no consolation for the impenitent wicked. But we ask: is there any form of presentation of the gospel that could possibly comfort the wicked and the ungodly?"

Ergo, if one is saved, is the truth of election not wonderfully reassuring for us... reassurance of God's love and our personal salvation? Also this highlights that our squeamish concerns over the unelect hold no water as the gospel holds no comfort for them personally?

It is rather that we wish they could share in our comfort and our knowledge of a personal Saviour?
I may have made something out of nothing there and misjudged the entire context of the sentence. It did make me think though that any concerns one might have over election lie in the converts' concern over the 'fair' treatment of condemned unconverted sinners who remain blind to the gospel and stumble on in their impenitence.

We're all guilty of course... as charged. But by Grace we are saved.

Grace of course meaning unmerited favour.

Wow... don't you feel great about that Christian?

Please take a look at the bookshop here for the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church based in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. They have very good selection.

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