Friday 12 November 2010


I've been a little pre-occupied of late, not to mention busy! I delivered my first bible study on Tuesday and will do a follow up this coming Tuesday, so much of the time where I would've been blogging I have been preparing them.

The first study was on 1 Kings 17: 1 -7, the well read beginning of the account of Elijah's faithful obedience to the Lord God of Israel. I have typed up the notes I used and the study was recorded. So I will shortly post either a link to the audio file or a readable version of the notes.

I've really enjoyed preparing for these studies and hope that those listening were in some way assured, challenged or blessed. I know it made me scrutinise the scriptures even closer to prevent error... not that that stopped me fumbling my words when speaking about faith. It irritated me no end afterward as I thought about it as I made no sense in my own mind let alone in anyone else's ears! In hindsight I should've just stopped rather than fumble on! But I've learned from it no doubt.

Anyway this is really just an interim post so you know I'm alive! I've been tracking the stats on the page and am grateful to all you readers in the USA as you have streaked ahead of your UK counterparts in the #1 spot. Others around the world are viewing the page too, Japan and Singapore have joined the list... Hiraeth from all over the world! Great stuff!

This verse encouraged me greatly this week and I texted it to a few people to share it. What a wonder to think that in all we do, at all times, forever even, His mighty and loving arms are there to catch us every time we fall! A refuge indeed.

"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms..." Deuteronomy 33:27(a)